martes, 3 de julio de 2007


life can be so great.
having a kitten in your lap, purring, falling asleep. reminding me that what i once thought was nothing, and boring, now is full of possibilities.
you just gotta look ai it the right way. with the right intentions..
la vida puede ser muy grandiosa.
tener un gatito en tu regazo, ronrroneando, quedandose los dos dormidos. recordandome que lo que yo antes creia que era nada y aburrido, ahora esta lleno de posibilidades.
solo tienes que mirar en la direcion correcta, con las intenciones correctas..`

2 comentarios:

Lady Orlando dijo...

Life can be so grate in deed.
Is amazing the things you can learn just by sitting calm and contemplating life. Is kinda meditation, don't you think?

roisiles dijo...

of course.. its nice to sit back.. to be with yourself.. you can learn a lot from yourself, you know..
meditating and contemplating things all around..and things all inside..